We Will Build You A Simple System That Turns Strangers Into Happy Clients On Auto-Pilot For Your Tech Business

Prospecting can be a daunting process. Let's face it, growing a tech business is hard. We make it a whole lot easier, more predictable, less stressful, and more fun.


Global Network of SDR's

5,000+Booked Appointments

4.4/5Trustpilot Rating

Are You Experiencing Any Of This?

Unmotivated internal sales teams, chasing and trying different tools, hiring the wrong sales rep people, and figuring out the best marketing strategy that blends in seamlessly with your sales team for your tech/ SaaS business

⚙️ Finding The Perfect Process

There are multiple ways and channels to bring in leads, but having the client commit to a demo, try the product, onboard their team, and upgrade — is a sales lifecycle not for the faint of heart.

🧹 Having Too Many Unqualified leads Collecting Dust

Marketing and Sales departments don’t work towards the same goals and as a result, there are no set characteristics of what a qualified lead is. Because of that many opportunities just lay around and don't get the attention it deserves.

📉 Inconsistent Client Acquisition

You are making good money, but your growth is a guessing game month-over-month. You haven't nailed down one specific source that you can "turn up" whenever you want to make more sales. You feel like you're lighting your money on fire by giving it to another base salary and underperforming SDRs or agencies. They send you a bunch of leads, but none turn into clients.

👎 Lack Of Efficient Processes

Sales processes are not clearly defined or are entirely lacking. SDRs spend their time chaotically making calls, follow-up emails and generating leads on an ad-hoc basis.

😓 Your Sales team is Doing Lead Generation

Your salespeople use their time on repetitive, data-entry and lead research tasks. Due to their higher cost per hour, their time is not spent on sales activities involving soft skills – which prevents they could have a more significant impact on the bottom line of the business.

⚔️ Marketing Vs Sales Dept.

Marketing and sales. It takes two to tango and they should be seamlessly aligned on their targets. If they are not and the new promising hire doesn't understand this concept then it can be like fixing a spaceship with glitter and duct tape. It might look shiny and new from a distance, but it’s a disaster waiting to happen up close.

🎓 You are The Smartest Person In Your Team

While that's great for your ego, it's not good for the company. You know you're the biggest bottleneck to your tech business's growth, but you can't find anyone half-decent enough for you to rely on them. You're tired of being the sole decision-maker and want to be able to take a weekend off every once in a while.

🕰 Personal Sacrifices

You started this business to have ultimate time freedom, but you're working more now than ever (and likely taking home less). You are forced to continue to make sacrifices in your personal life: a missed day at the beach with your family, a canceled vacation with friends, or another skipped day at the gym. You can feel the strain it's putting on you and those you love, but you feel there is no way you could work any less.

🍽 You're Eating Lunch While On Sales Calls

You may have figured out marketing, but trying to scale sales is totally different. You can't find a decent salesperson to save your life, so you're stuck taking calls from 7 AM to 7 PM, seven days a week.

How We Can Help

We Will Help You Get A Consistent Flow Of Eager-To-Buy, Key-Decision Makers.


You Tell Us About Your Dream Client

We get to know your audience on a very profound level.

We Source And Verify An Audience Of Decision Makers

We will create a list that resembles the dream avatar of decision-makers to start. A live, hand-picked audience is created exclusively for your campaign.

We Create An On Brand And Selling Machine That Works 24/7

We will make your tech product a “no-brainer”, and create one simple and efficient acquisition system that works around the clock. This machine will be yours forever. Simply direct the right traffic and it will print leads.

Your outreach And Machine Goes Live For Each Prospect

We will turn you into an industry leader with a world-class outreach system and compelling messaging. Backed by cold email, cold calling, MQL creation, social selling, appointment setting, stunning converting landing pages, are just a few of the things we will implement.

New Sales Enquiries Go Direct To Your Team

The grand cocktail of our efforts and implementations will lead to a new flow of eager-to-buy pouring into your CRM.

Your Pipeline Will be Having A Consistent Flow Like Never Before

Now that we’re acquiring new customers consistently and profitably and they’re referring, renewing, and ascending, we can help you build automated marketing selling systems that can scale your business empowering your SDR's where they can focus on their soft skills.

''I want…''

…to generate more qualified leads at a much faster rate 

…my sales team to attend more sales appointments

…to employ an Account Based Marketing strategy

…to deploy a persona-aligned sales strategy

…Inbound MQL Management & Outbound SQL Creation

…to grow our business across new markets and territories

🚫 We Are Not Another Advertising or Lead Generation Agency

We see ourselves as non-equity partners in your business and take a holistic approach to scaling your tech business, solving and removing bottlenecks before they even come up, and preventing you from wasting time learning things you don’t need to. We treat your business like our own.

Your goals become our goals, your challenges become our challenges, and our job is to solve those challenges using our proven battle-tested systems.

Answers, accountability, and assets are just a few clicks away.

Backed By Automated, Battle-Tested Systems And A Global Network of 2,000+ In-House, Commission-Based SDR's

We know, you simply want a high-performing motivated sales team and profitable leads, and don't really care how we go about it, but here's a glimpse of how we get you the predictable flow of new opportunities that gets your team to the A-level status

  • Commission Based Appointment Setting

  • B2B Lead Generation

  • Data & Reporting

  • MQL Generation

  • SQL Generation

  • Cold Calling

  • Social Selling

  • Brand Authority

  • Lead Nurture

  • SDR Training & Placement

  • Cold Email

  • Competitor Analysis

  • Traffic Sources Guidance

  • Compelling Evergreen Sales Message For Mail, Ads, & Other Channels

  • Pixel Perfect, Retargeting

  • Access to 278 Million Database of Key Decision Makers

  • Uncommon, Hyper-Targeted LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search Filters

  • LinkedIn Specific Automations

  • Access to over 2,000+ In-House Commission Based SDR's

  • Extensive Competitor Analysis Reporting

  • And much, much more

A Global Inside Sales Agency Dedicated To Delivering Growth And Revenue Opportunities For B2B Tech Companies

Combining wide reach with targeted precision, we help our clients to accelerate their outbound sales activity and scale their business, fast.

Our Trusted Partners


Unrivalled B2B Inside Sales Outsourcing

E-COMMAND CENTER is a global, SDR agency dedicated to delivering growth and revenue opportunities for B2B tech, SaaS and software companies.


SDR Teams On Demand – an extension of your business

Whether you’re looking to generate more leads, attend more appointments, or close more opportunities, we can partner with you at every stage of the sales process – and we can do it in any language, in any country.


Huge Existing Database

Unlike many inside sales agencies, we don’t need access to your data. You’ll benefit from our vast existing database and first-class tech stack – leveraging AI, intent and purchase behavioural signals by industry, persona and territory.


Multi-Channel Approach

Through data insights we have studied how buyers engage depending on demographics, we are then able to apply the right sequence of touches using phone, email and social, ensuring the very best conversion rates.


Value at Every Stage

We can tailor our services to your business’ specific needs. Whether you want to focus on accelerating those early pipeline lead generation efforts, or, you want assistance every step of the way, right up to closing, our on-demand SDR teams can help



We don’t obsess over leads and meetings, we obsess over results and opportunities. Of course, that doesn’t mean we’re not hot on hitting targets! But these are based on tangible growth opportunities, not meetings for meetings’ sake.

Combining Wide Reach With Targeted Precision

We help you to accelerate your outbound and inbound sales activity and scale your tech business, fast.

Whether you’re looking to generate more leads, attend more appointments, or close more opportunities, we can partner with you at every stage of the sales process – and we can do it in any language, in any country.

Our In-House SDR's

Our SDR's, Appointment Setters are equipped with all the tools and strategic know-how to ensure you can steer clear of the initial phases of the sales cycle which is the most repetitive daunting phase, where zero to little soft-skills are involved.

We have an ongoing system in place where we recruit, train and onboard remote setters. This will give you an unprecedented edge. Your competition will never have access to this network of commission-based SDR's with this arsenal of tools and know-how.

We understand that you don’t always have the time, SDR resource or data to create and nurture – let alone close – sales opportunities. It’s for this reason that E-COMMAND CENTER partners closely with you to accelerate your progress.

Wave goodbye to unmotivated internal sales teams. 👋

Unrivalled B2B Tech Sales Outsourcing

Our intent-based multi-channel outreach pairs relentless innovation with buyer intent signals to deliver the right message to the right person, in the right place, at the right time.

We’ll help you unlock the full potential of your sales pipeline with our unparalleled prospecting service.

We Specialize In Getting B2B Tech Companies In Front Of New, Valuable Revenue Opportunities.

Whether you're an ambitious start-up or a multinational enterprise, our scalable solution allows you to focus on what you do best, while we drive sales enquiries straight to your inbox.

What Our Customers are Saying

E-Command center are an ambitious and passionate team that working on growth of sales and marketing for their clients.

Working with Zrian has been inspiring and a learning experience. He has great ideas on how to be most effective and it drives you to put in your best as well. And this has been a great opportunity to learn and grow from others that are working towards the same goals.

Latisha Wright

Working with Zrian has only given me positive results and experiences. I have nothing negative to add, would certainly recommend working with a fantastic, hard driven and focused individual like Zrian.

Axel Wigors

i have spoken do zrian. he is definitely an expert in his field and knows what he is talking about.

he sees opportunities in YOUR business that even you dont envisage for yourslef.

in a few words Zrian has EXCEEDED the expectation i had.

the results speak louder than words.

thank you zrian , i highly recommend working with this man and his team


I’ve worked with Zrian and his team for over a month now, and since then, my conversation rates have never been higher, and my company has never had such a steep rise in traffic.

It’s truly a blessing to of had the E-Command Centre team work along side me, to boost the online presence of my business.

Tristan Keers

My experience at E-Command Center has been quite a journey, even thought time here lasted only 14 days, it was well spent. I learnt a lot from Mustafa and Zrian, marketing strategies on how I can improve my business and much more.

They are very supportive and driven Men, you would be in great hands here!


This is my first review, but I just think that they deserve to have thousands of reviews, because they‘re truly amazing at marketing on Facebook. They brought me many clients for my photography business, recommend them!

Felix Wagner

I have been given lots of value for free and the people are really pushing others forward and helping them achieve their goals which is awesome.

Roope Holappa

I strongly recommend E-Command to anyone who is reading this review. Their program has the ability to significantly enhance your business operations and I had an exceptional experience working with them. The most valuable aspect for me was developing a blueprint that enabled me to create content that was specifically targeted and tailored to my audience.

Carl Edward

Good communication, they help in every sense of the word and send us on the right path. Praise!


Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly can we expect to see results from your system?

Typically, our clients begin to see initial results within the first 30 to 60 days. This includes a noticeable increase in qualified leads and booked appointments. The exact timeline can vary based on your specific industry and target audience, but our goal is to deliver a consistent flow of eager-to-buy prospects as quickly as possible.

What industries or niches do you specialize in?

We specialize in B2B tech, SaaS, and software companies. Our extensive experience spans various tech sectors, allowing us to tailor our strategies to fit your unique market needs and ensure that we attract high-quality leads relevant to your business.

What specific methods do you use for lead generation and appointment setting?

Our approach includes a mix of cold emailing, social selling, appointment setting, and leveraging our database of key decision-makers. We utilize multi-channel outreach strategies tailored to your audience, ensuring that our messaging resonates and drives engagement.

How do you define and verify an "ideal client" for my business?

We collaborate closely with you to understand your target market, including industry, company size, job roles, and pain points. Based on this profile, we create a live, hand-picked list of decision-makers that match your ideal client criteria. This list is continually refined and verified to ensure its accuracy and relevance.

What kind of onboarding process do you have for new clients?

Our onboarding process involves an in-depth consultation to understand your business goals, target audience, and sales processes. We then set up a customized acquisition system tailored to your needs. This includes audience profiling, creating outreach content, and integrating our system with your existing tools. We ensure a smooth transition and provide ongoing support to maximize effectiveness.

How do you measure the success of your campaigns?

We track various key performance indicators (KPIs) such as lead conversion rates, appointment bookings, engagement metrics, and ultimately, sales conversions. Detailed analytics and reporting are provided regularly, allowing us to monitor performance, make data-driven adjustments, and ensure we're meeting your business goals.

Can your services be tailored to specific needs or challenges unique to my business?

Absolutely. We understand that each business has unique challenges and objectives. Our services are highly customizable, and we work closely with you to address your specific needs. Whether it's targeting a new market, refining your lead qualification criteria, or optimizing your sales processes, we tailor our approach to help you achieve your goals.

What kind of support do you offer for the placement and training of our internal SDRs?

We provide comprehensive support for the placement and training of your internal SDRs. This includes recruiting skilled SDRs, onboarding them effectively, and offering ongoing training to ensure they are proficient in using our tools and following our proven sales processes. Our training programs focus on enhancing their soft and hard skills, improving their efficiency, and aligning them with your overall sales strategy to maximize their impact on your business.

What are your pricing models, and what factors influence the cost?

Our pricing models are based on the scope of services you require, the complexity of your sales process, and the volume of leads needed. We offer flexible pricing options to suit different budgets and business sizes. During our initial consultation, we provide a detailed proposal outlining the costs and what you can expect from our partnership. There are no hidden fees, and we ensure transparency throughout the engagement. Our services will be lower then the base salary of your standard SDR. Meaning you will get the power of this vast array of potential, costing you less than the worst performing SDR of your team.

Speak To Ideal Clients That Are Outside Your Network And Country

Enter New Markets And Grow Your Business for your Tech and SaaS business.

We handle any language barrier and can enter any market, in any country.

Free more of your precious time, speak to more people, and be better at what you do. Sales inquiries go directly to your team, so they can focus on pitching, closing new deals, and be more motivated in the process overall.

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